One drive shaft in place.
When the rear Diff bolts are tightened to the chassis and the front bracket with rounded front edge (lower middle) is in place and tightened the two holes required to bolt the bracket to the chassis can then be drilled.
A few different views of the rear suspension setup. I haven't yet found the locking nuts for the eyelet which is part of the track rod assembly (lower left).
I may have to remove the drive shaft as I have to drill the front diff bracket.
.. also I need to get the drive shaft end bolt further through the hub to get the nut on. I'm a bit reluctant to do things that are difficult to undo!
I finished off drilling and riveting the cable tie bases. I had to remember that mine is a left hand drive so brake pipes have to be moved to the other side of the prop shaft tunnel. Fuel pipes and electrics go on the same side as a RHD. Clutch pipes are much easier in a LHD as they go directly to the left hand side of the gearbox.
The small white clips can be seen here and there. I put then all at 150mm apart.
The front passenger brake assembly is finished and ready for brake pipes. Unfortunately I have had problems with the caliper mounting bracket on the drivers side. The threads are either wrong or not good as they are too tight and are destroying the bolt threads. If anyone has a spare bracket I'll be very interested :-)
I decided not to tighten anything too tight just in case and then at the end go through a long list of bolts and nuts and their corresponding torque settings.