I found out it was quite usual to have a micro leak or so in old modified sumps, I shall try some metal putty to see if that fixes it. The thought of changing the sump didn’t fill me with enthusiasm at all.
I started checking the BMW cable colours and ended up using a pair of magnifying glasses. The coloured strip on most of the wires is thinner than necessary! I have to buy the double crimp type cable terminators as the single ones are not at all recommended in Sweden, I’m not sure about the UK. As I mentioned the GKD cabling is marked very well so it’s just a matter of matching the colours plus the help from the guys on the GKD forum is invaluable.
I’m trying to finish odd jobs so I placed the petrol tank back in position and was wondering whether there should be rubber in between the tank and support brackets to stop vibration. I’m waiting for the second fuel sensor to arrive as well as the large aluminium washers to keep the senders in place. Fuel pipes are in place and cable tied as well as the front and rear wiring looms.
I can’t cut the hole for the exhaust pipes in the side aluminium panel as I haven’t got the gaskets for the manifold; should arrive tomorrow; don’t want to cut in the wrong place. Hopefully also the brake pipes will be ready to pick up tomorrow as well so I can get them installed. Lower steering arm photos are still at the IVA inspectors, hopefully they will be accepted. The track rod arm challenge is with Peter so hopefully he will come up with a solution soon.
I really dislike having so many jobs half finished.
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