Steve's GKD Legend

Steve's GKD Legend
Still, On the road again!

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Friday, 13 May 2011

A well needed stage reached

After a quick call to Peter last night I attached a few wires and managed to turn the engine over using the key. It may not sound such a big deal but it was actually a real boost to hear it! The next move is to put some fuel in the tank! I need to get the car out anyway next week so the new garage door can be installed, so hopefully the car will be under its own power. There hasn't been so much progress as there have been some small issues stopping major jobs being done ie. unsure whether battery junction box is needed so I had to wait with the side panel which meant I had to wait with attaching the exhaust. Now that has been sussed I can get moving again.

I don't need this junction box. It was used as a stepping stone from the battery in the rear of the car (I think)

8 posts have been dug in and cemented, most of the wood has been bought and ready to put in place once the 0-30 gravel has been put down (hopefully Tuesday). You know the saying; "Think of a number and triple it" ? well that's what happened to the price of the escape route out of the cellar!
The first "real" video was better but it wasn't accepted by the site!

Now I think about it I actually did get a few things done since the last report.
The tank is now installed. In the end I tapped holes into the tank, placed in the senders (thank goodness for washing up liquid!) and very gently screwed the 6mm bolts through the rings. I wouldn't bet my life that if one would turn the car on its roof that no fuel would drip out though  :) In the manual it said the fuel feed should point forward but that would have meant the float hitting the side of the tank so I had to have it pointing towards the 2nd sensor. The pickup up in the tank is quite high so I would imagine the last few litres of fuel will never be reached.

I also filled the brake/clutch reservoir with fluid and managed to bleed the brakes at least to a stage where they function. Clutch next but some jobs are a bit too difficult to do alone – Anette or one of the boys will have to venture down to the cellar!
No pipe needed between the fuel senders.

I'm still waiting for a tank bracket from my favorite sheet metal company just up the road but that won't stop any progress.

Saturday tomorrow I'm sure there will be lots of exciting things happening!

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