Steve's GKD Legend

Steve's GKD Legend
Still, On the road again!

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Saturday, 23 July 2011

Some things to finish while waiting for the MOT

As I'm not sure when I'll get the MOT I decided to fix a couple of things. One of them was making up a bracket to hold the air filter. I bought another air filter becuase of the back pressure; haven't tested it out yet but put it in place all the same. The bracket was to hold it in place and keep it away from the manifold.
Made up a cardboard template first and then cut and filed a 1mm sheet of aluminium to the same shape.
I bolted one end to the manifold and the other to the MAF  (Mass airflow sensor) the black tube attached to  the air filter. It's keeping the air filter away from the manifold as well as keeping all the pipes rigid.

The next job, which I thought would be easier than it has been (so far) required some help from GKD as the manual doesn't mention how to do it. The first job was to push the thin rubber band into the u-shape top part of the frame.  Then the glass was put in place, as the sides of  the frame kept springing apart I drilled some temporary holes at the end and dragged them together with wire. The lower frame placed and marked where it needed to be cut.
I tried Duck tape to hold the frame and glass but it didn't work so well.

The windscreen side brackets were next, one either side of the car (funnily enough). To pass the test I obviously had to have the mirrors in place so I purposely drilled holes for the mirrors which are now used for the brackets. Once the brackets and windscreen are installed I'll put the mirrors back in the same holes.  
Bracket holes are 65mm up from the body panel and as far forward as possible.

Bolting the lower frame to the upper was a real pain. Holes had to be drilled at the right angle first and then tapped to M4. The heads of the bolts had to angle grinded to a countersunk shape as well as counter sinking the holes, oh and cut to the right length too! Then put the glass in for a test fitting. Bent the side brackets at the top of the triangle a little too much so now I need to bend them back. I also have to remove more of the side frame as it should be flush with the lower frame. 
Glass removed until everything is correctly bent and cut. Mirror using the bracket!

The windscreen in place but not finally fixed as there's the bending and cutting to do! I also have a clutch pedal bolt to swap to a longer one too. I had two to fix after the test but only remembered to do one.
Looks okay with the windscreen but kind a' liked it better without but not very practical!

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