Steve's GKD Legend

Steve's GKD Legend
Still, On the road again!

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Sunday, 3 February 2013

On the road again and only February

I went out on Saturday with the sole purpose of spending a good few hours getting rid of the snow and ice that had completely blocked the driveway. I had cleared away about 5 spades worth when low and behold what was coming down the road towards me? A backhoe type digger! So I flagged it down and asked the driver if he could clear the ice away for me. 
Brilliant - Job done in 10 minutes!

Before I could get the car out again I had to fix the  front offside brake calliper  It was sticking so I stripped it down, cleaned the cylinder etc. got rid of the rust, masked the disks and spray painted with heat resistant paint.
Hope the rust stays away for a while.

Then it was time to take it for a quick spin to check the speed limiter. The temperature was about -8 again so a bit chilly. Firstly I drove around the block but couldn't go fast enough in second to check the revs but in first gear there was no speed limiter problem at all.
First gear.

Had to drive further a field to check second gear. It wasn't exactly a thorough test but at least I could rev high enough to see what was happening.

Second gear.

Instead of limiting to 5200 rpm, it misfires slightly but continues to go up to the red. Is it an electrical problem or fuel or something else? James suggested I install a fuel swirl pot which should stop any fuel starvation. I'll do this anyway but I'm not totally convinced that it's related to the speed limiter problem as that can be temporarily solved by disconnecting the battery.

Next step install a fuel filter and swirl pot.

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