Steve's GKD Legend

Steve's GKD Legend
Still, On the road again!

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Friday, 5 April 2013

A breath of fresh air

I'm deliberating whether to use a bonnet scoop, side vents or forced induction from under the front somewhere to get enough air to the filter. The scoop looks great but a bit mean. I'd rather it looked subtle.
There's something under there, I wonder what it is!
Plain, discreet and a little more refined but will there be enough air coming in!

What do you think?

Update ...

Neil and I went for a drive this afternoon, temperature was hovering about 5 oC and we had no windscreen so it was a bit bloody cold. We headed for the motorway, bonnet was in place. It was almost pointless using 1st and 2nd gear as it was in the red the whole time. It seems that not enough air was available as it hesitated several times when I harsh accelerated. But still it's hard to describe, the power was endless. It was almost too difficult to drive because the cold wind was watering our eyes. Reached 100 mph in a flash and the wind without windscreen made it almost uncomfortable. The winter hat I had lent Neil was ripped off - I lose more hats that way!

Later I removed the bonnet and took another drive, the airflow was vastly improved. The acceleration was unbelievable. Before the modification it took ages to get to 100 mph; now it was up to 110 mph without blinking an eye. 

Acceleration at high speed seems to be much more noticeable that low.

Will try to record a little video tomorrow.

She flies!!  



  1. 2nd try at posting this, not sure what happened first time.
    This is what a clubbie bulder in Aus did recently to overcome your exact problem. Subtle if you did it in black to match the body color.
    The duct is a 75mm NACA duct made by Reverie in the UK.


  2. Hi Taffy,

    looks a really neat solution. I'll check into it more during the day. I don't have so much space but it could work.

